About Me

A journey in listening and following a path of what is meant to be ....
With 10 years of personal party planning experience and photography: corporate functions, Christmas, Retirement, Stag N’ Doe, Birthdays, 65th Celebrations and my own wedding with a 255 guest list I decided to "JUMP" and bless others with my talents and experience. We should all experience the fun of hosting an event, then give ourselves permission to enjoy it as our guests do.
Following a desire and dream, to own my own company, I went to the Elgin Business Resource Centre to update my resume, gain some information and the connections has led me on quite a journey. One that has directed me full circle back to a path in my life that I diverted going down about 5 years ago. But, again reminded that we are often on a journey that we need to listen, and enjoy rather than try to control and lead all the time.
Following that appointment the Elgin Business Resource Centre provided me an opportunity to obtain a grant through the OSEB program that has allowed me to develop a dream of owning my own company into a reality. It was not easy but the support is a great exchange.
As a way to give back to our community and The Kidney Foundation of Canada and local Dialysis and Transplant Patients. We organize an event fundraiser yearly, in the last 5 years we have raised over $25,000 all while supporting local businesses in our community.